이준규 (Lee, Junkyu)
- 직위(직급)
- 교수
- 학위
- Ph.D. in Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
- 연구분야
- Second Language Acquisition, L2 Research Methods, L2 Psycholinguistics.
- 전화번호
- 02-2173-3188
- 이메일
- junkyu@hufs.ac.kr
주요 경력
- 현 한국응용언어학회 회장
- 외국어교육연구, 영상영어교육 편집위원장[KCI 등재지]
- 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소장
주요 업적
- The effects of ideal and ought-to L2 selves on Korean EFL learners' writing strategy use and writing quality. Reading and Writing, 32(5), 1129-1148.
- The effectiveness of second language pronunciation instruction: A meta-analysis. Applied Linguistics, 36(3), 345-366.
- The impact of experience abroad and language proficiency on language learning anxiety. TESOL Quarterly, 48(2), 252-274.
- Anxiety and EFL: Does multilingualism matter? International Journal of Bilingualism Education and Bilingualism, 16(6), 730-749.
- Working memory capacity, inhibition control, and proficiency in a second language. In Schmid M. S., & Lowie, W. (eds.). Modeling bilingualism: From structure to chaos. John Benjamins; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.