Michael Lance Rabbidge
- 직위(직급)
- associate professor
- 학위
- Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Macquarie University
- 연구분야
- Language Identity, Translanguaging, International Students, Teacher Cognitions
- 전화번호
- 02-2173-2792
- 이메일
- mikemind@hotmail.com
주요 업적
- (in press) Positional identities of an international student in South Korea: Denied rights and neglected duties. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.
- Emerging language identities in a South Korean vocational university. Journal of Asia TEFL, 17(3), 873-888.
- Satisfiers and dissatisfiers for international vocational education students. Journal of International Students, 9(3), 795-814.
- Embracing reflexivity: The importance of not hiding the mess. TESOL Quarterly, 51(3). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/doi/10.1002/tesq.397/full
- [book] Translanguaging in EFL: A call for change. Routledge